
Fantasy Football League

Building Metaverse World

We've created and designed the Metaverse World to cater to those that love fantasy football and get a chance to earn Fantasy Football Points in order to enhance the experience further

Affiliate Rewards Points

Members will be able to get cashback on items that have be confirmed and approved as an affiliate purchased item for META4LYFE 

Affiliate Marketing Shops

Affiliate Marketing Shops will be located around the Metaverse World. While giving Users and opportunity to get cashback.

More Rewards

Play games and complete weekly missions within our Metaverse and earn rewards

Upcoming Projects

Fantasy Basketball League

Building Metaverse World

We've created and designed the Metaverse World to cater to those that love fantasy basketball l and in turn provide them with an extreme metaverse experience

Affiliate Rewards Points

Members will be able to get cashback on items that have be confirmed and approved as an affiliate purchased item for META4LYFE 

backboard, backlit, basketball board-1866968.jpg

Affiliate Marketing Shops

Affiliate Marketing Shops will be located around the Metaverse World. While giving Users and opportunity to get cashback.

More Rewards

Play games and complete weekly missions within our Metaverse and earn rewards

Fantasy Hockey League

Building Metaverse World

We've created and designed the Metaverse World to cater to those that love fantasy hockey l and in turn provide them with an extreme metaverse experience

Affiliate Rewards Points

Members will be able to get cashback on items that have be confirmed and approved as an affiliate purchased item for META4LYFE 

Affiliate Marketing Shops

Affiliate Marketing Shops will be located around the Metaverse World. While giving Users and opportunity to get cashback.

More Rewards

Play games and complete weekly missions within our Metaverse and earn rewards

Fantasy Baseball League

Building Metaverse World

We've created and designed the Metaverse World to cater to those that love fantasy baseball and in turn provide them with an extreme metaverse experience

Affiliate Rewards Points

Members will be able to get cashback on items that have be confirmed and approved as an affiliate purchased item for META4LYFE 

ball, sport, training-2775795.jpg

Affiliate Marketing Shops

Affiliate Marketing Shops will be located around the Metaverse World. While giving Users and opportunity to get cashback.

More Rewards

Play games and complete weekly missions within our Metaverse and earn rewards

Fantasy Soccer League

Building Metaverse World

We've created and designed the Metaverse World to cater to those that love fantasy soccer and in turn provide them with an extreme metaverse experience

Affiliate Rewards Points

Members will be able to get cashback on items that have be confirmed and approved as an affiliate purchased item for META4LYFE 

ball, soccer, football-3512878.jpg

Affiliate Marketing Shops

Affiliate Marketing Shops will be located around the Metaverse World. While giving Users and opportunity to get cashback.

More Rewards

Play games and complete weekly missions within our Metaverse and earn rewards


Useful links


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